Via dei Bassi, 13 – Fiesole, 50014

Firenze – Toscana

Telephone: +39 055 6593020
E-mail: info@poggiopiano.it
Website: www.poggiopiano.it


  • Purchase of products in the cellar
  • Possibility of overnight stay
  • Shipping to Italy and abroad


  • Chianti
The passion for the Earth, for good wine and for olive oil pushed the brothers Carlo and Alberto Galardi, descendants of a family of Florentine merchants, to purchase the Poggiopiano estate in 1935. This marked a turning point in the history of the family, which has since dedicated itself almost completely to the production of oil and wine and to the construction, initially out of passion, then also as a real industrial activity, of mechanical equipment for use in agriculture: mills for cereals, crushers for olives and systems for pressing grapes and extracting oil.
In 1985 Mauro Galardi, in his early twenties, with the same determination as his predecessors, put his personal passion for wine and oil to good use in his profession, studying agronomy and oenology as a self-taught.
Even today, Mauro, together with his daughter Martina, is keen to talk about the family business, the desire to do and succeed in building, the commitment to maintaining traditions while taking into due consideration all those improvements linked to progress in the winemaking and olive oil engineering fields. His project is to make others participate in his passion: the land and its fruits, the Wine and the Oil; make those who wish enjoy the tranquility and serenity of the countryside. The same conviction of his predecessors guides Mauro in this project: the search for quality.
The vineyards and olive groves extend for approximately 17 hectares, at an altitude of approximately 150 meters above sea level, on lean, marly and calcareous soil, which contributes to maintaining productivity that is quantitatively limited but qualitatively important. Their total exposure to sunlight determines a particularly favorable microclimate. From a phyto-sanitary point of view, the absence of humidity stagnation minimizes parasitic attacks with the consequent possibility of agronomic management with low environmental impact, according to the Organic Agriculture regulations, which we have been following for more than 20 years now.
Even in the cellar, thanks to the use of renewable energy sources and attention to packaging materials, the environmental impact is reduced to a minimum.
Mauro: “Wine must first of all be good, if it is good and organic it is even better!”

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