A unique project, a unique location, a single objective, to obtain from those lands continuously cultivated with cereals and olive trees for more than a hundred years by my family the best grapes to be transformed into elegant and refined wines following the philosophy of the Vignerons.

A preliminary study aimed at verifying every single component of the different soils to find the right combination of rootstock and vine variety/clone that best suits that terroir.

The choice to plant native vine varieties alongside others typical of other Italian areas, without forgetting the international ones, to have different varieties of grapes from which to obtain peculiar wines that characterize my company.

There on that plateau, which slopes gently towards the south/west and overlooks the sea while also winking at the nearby mountains, the project found its home. There the different varieties of vine grow and bring their grapes to maturity from which they obtain that precious net.

Respect for nature and its rhythms, manual processing, minimal use of synthetic products, harvesting of grapes by hand, soft pressing, specific refinement of the different wines. The cornerstones of the work of a Vigneron which culminated, after 13 decades, in joining the Italian Federation of Independent Winemakers.

A lifestyle choice that seamlessly affects the lives of those close to you, of those who follow you and believe in your work. The desire to get involved, to shout to the world “this is my company founded on my beliefs”.

All this is condensed into a symbol, the symbol of Gianni Moscardini’s Sator, the same one that will distinguish my wines from now on.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Available also on WhatsApp: +39 347 6948937

Via Macchia al Pino, Pomaia – Pisa
Referent: Alina Zbierajewska


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A unique project, a unique location, a single objective, to obtain from those lands continuously cultivated with cereals and olive trees for more than a hundred years by my family the best grapes to be transformed into elegant and refined wines following the philosophy of the Vignerons.

A preliminary study aimed at verifying every single component of the different soils to find the right combination of rootstock and vine variety/clone that best suits that terroir.

The choice to plant native vine varieties alongside others typical of other Italian areas, without forgetting the international ones, to have different varieties of grapes from which to obtain peculiar wines that characterize my company.

There on that plateau, which slopes gently towards the south/west and overlooks the sea while also winking at the nearby mountains, the project found its home. There the different varieties of vine grow and bring their grapes to maturity from which they obtain that precious net.

Respect for nature and its rhythms, manual processing, minimal use of synthetic products, harvesting of grapes by hand, soft pressing, specific refinement of the different wines. The cornerstones of the work of a Vigneron which culminated, after 13 decades, in joining the Italian Federation of Independent Winemakers.

A lifestyle choice that seamlessly affects the lives of those close to you, of those who follow you and believe in your work. The desire to get involved, to shout to the world “this is my company founded on my beliefs”.

All this is condensed into a symbol, the symbol of Gianni Moscardini’s Sator, the same one that will distinguish my wines from now on.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Available also on WhatsApp: +39 347 6948937

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